Pilates Instruction For Fitness

Core Strength and Flexibility Workout
Our Pricing
Your first session is free. This allows a potential client to get an overview of what they can expect without any pressure to get a workout in on the first try.
We charge one price for your time. Singles, Duets, and classes are all the same cost for an hour (55 minutes) of training. The base price is based on the current market and then significantly discounted for package size and frequency of attendance. Paying less to train more makes for happy, satisfied clients.
The downside to such steep discounts in price is a draconian (look it up) cancellation policy. All payments are in advance and sessions must be canceled a full 24 hours in advance, without exception.
For sessions with multiple people, only one person does the paying and cancellation. This demands the client deal with most of the scheduling difficulties, but paying less is nice too.